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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

♥ I Want My Superman :D

omfg. im slowly turning my life back to my unhealthy days. i've been having overdose sleep these days. hence, im gonna talk about the dream i had this morning, or afternoon. well, i was ... -__- have you guys ever wanted to recall your dreams but suddenly, you just tend to forget every single thing without a trait.

nevermind, at least i remembered this! i was thinking alot about having another puppy; preferably white maltese :) before i went to bed. wouldnt it be soooo nice if you could have an indoor companion which its barking is the first ting you woke up to, sleeps with you on the bed, a pillar of strength whenever you felt afraid, alone or whatever that weakens you, witness everyting that happens to you, practically live with you like your other half in life and the best part is, it would never ever cheat on you or betray your feelings for anyting at all. :)

oh my, talking about it makes me even more eager to own a Maltese. why Maltese? because they are the cutest creature on earth! :D hehehe


anyways back to the dream. i dreamt that my puppy, allegedly known as a mixture of almost 10 breeds wtf ( i didnt even remember how it looked like) and the funny part was, it has a looooongg name that consist of all the dogs name you could ever tink of. haha its shit aint it! lol

so when i woke up, i started browsing names for dogs. i found quite alot of ridiculous and hilarious names. such was like Babushka, Bahama Mama, Banner why the f you wannna name your dog a banner? hahahahhaha , MADAME BUTTERFLY HAHAHAHAHAHA Mahi Mahi, MAI TAI (maybe its some kind of thai name), Pokerface and so on. okie, i dont know if i should laugh about those or not. but who cares HHAHAHAHAHAHA.

i see potentials in names like Bam-Bam, Baileys ( damn nice drink wtf ), Pebbles, PORSCHE *laughs*, Pudding, Muffin, Skittles, Jello, Babylove, Chery ( thats the name of my tamagotchi last time lol), Whisky, Chivas, Cola, Green tea okay its getting more retarded. on top of all, i would very much love to call my petdog SUPERMANNN :D of course, if its a male. if vice versa, i'll tink about that when i am really getting one.

one more photo. they said its ChangMin's pet dog. you know, the dude from dbsk or tvxq whatever is that. LOL


anyways, im ending this post here. take care!