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Monday, March 2, 2009

♥ Ku mahu kau tau, engkaulah destinasi ku

assignment list is gonna drive me crazy anytime soon. i hope i wont let my workloads pile up high like the previous sem. anyway, cristine and brian came over to get me for lunch in delicious. much love to yakitori skewers :)

decided to watch Eden Lake after lunch since we have nothing much to do. it was a horrible and thrilling movie with gruesome scenes which freaks me and her out through the whole movie. found out that things like that does actually happens around the world. therefore, i am really glad that im not born with that kind of karma.

oh well, what does being a girl means if she doesnt shop for pretty things like this! lol splurging on things you love is definitely fun but when dilemma strikes, it isnt fun anymore.

My Wishlist <3
Hampstead Damier

should i go for Azur or Ebony?
( they spin my head right round right round )

♥ Sony Skinny T77

black for style or pink for candy?

Escada Ocean Lounge
hahah at least this one im not being fickleminded okie :) since i missed the chance to buy Moon Sparkle last year, i found out that their fragrances are only selling for a year which makes them limited edition.

gahhh i need my human atm !

ps : addicted to situasi by bunkface. its the song i've been searching for so long. and finally it appears infront of me. thank you weihua :D