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Saturday, March 7, 2009

♥ Baby wont you take me out of this club?

Cookies special from wings coffee :X
been spending alot of time in college. its just the starting at the moment and im feeling so much pressure already wtf.

and oh, on thursday night, when i was about to sleep, i heard noises. like those plastic sound so i thought it was prolly the plastic on the floor. i picked it up and place it somewhere so it wouldnt make noise.

when i return to my bed, i saw a stupid cockroach standing proudly on my stalk of rose wtf. with no choice, i had to gather my balls to have the guts, to lay my hands on the flower and shrug the cockroach off and OMFGWTF it flew, i freaked out jumping up and down, and it went under my bed. i continued sleeping after that cause i was damn tired finishing my presentation slide. FML

fark this bastard i tell you.
- Pussycats